سبد خرید

IELTS Speaking Part 2

IELTS Speaking Part 2 : Describe a person who always has interesting ideas or opinions

IELTS Speaking Part 2 : Describe a person who always has interesting ideas or opinions

IELTS Speaking Part 2 : Describe a foreigner who speaks your native language (hindi) very well

IELTS Speaking Part 2 : Describe a foreigner who speaks your native language (hindi) very well

IELTS Speaking Part 2 : Describe an interesting person that you have not met in person and would like to know more about

IELTS Speaking Part 2 : Describe an interesting person that you have not met in person and would like to know more about

IELTS Speaking Part 2 : Describe a time that something changed your life in good ways

IELTS Speaking Part 2 : Describe a time that something changed your life in good ways

IELTS Speaking Part 2 : Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt proud of

IELTS Speaking Part 2 : Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt proud of

IELTS Speaking Part 2 : Describe a beautiful city

IELTS Speaking Part 2 : Describe a beautiful city

IELTS Speaking Part 2 : Describe a park or a garden in your city

IELTS Speaking Part 2 : Describe a park or a garden in your city

IELTS Speaking Part 2 : Describe a successful person who you once studied or worked with

IELTS Speaking Part 2 : Describe a successful person who you once studied or worked with
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