نمونه سوال Speaking آزمون IELTS

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  • مهارت سوم Speaking

همان طور که قبلا در مورد مهارت Speaking صحبت شد این قسمت از آزمون آیلتس از سه بخش تشکیل می­شود. که تکنیک­های مربوط به هر سه بخش آورده شد و توضیح داده شده است. در این قسمت نمونه سوال­هایی مربوط به هر یک از این سه بخش در آزمون آیلتس Speaking ارائه داده می­شود تا شرکت کنندگان در آزمون آشنایی ابتدایی با سوالات پیدا کنند.

قسمت اول Speaking  در آزمون آیلتس:

Question: Tell me about your family:1.

Answer: well, my immediate family is relatively small. I’m an only child, but I have a large extended family. I really love our family gathering. I think the family ties are still very strong. I really love my family specially my mom and dad, because I think both of my parents played very active role in my upbringing. So I consider myself very lucky.

Question: As a child, who did you spend more time with, your family or your friend?

Answer: When I was a small child, I spent more time with my mother who looked after me and played some games with me. Then when I was a bit older, about ten or eleven started to play more with friends and classmates because we were in the same age and enjoyed doing the same things.


قسمت دوم Speaking در آزمون آیلتس:

Question: Describe an electronic device you use often.

You should say:

  • How long you have had it
  • How often you have used it
  • What you have used it
  • And explain why you use it so often

Answer: well, I’m going to talk about my smart phone. Actually, I’ve got it here, because I have been somehow affiliated with it.

I have had this phone for three years. I bought it with money which I won in a competition when I was a student in university of Cambridge.

Since I got the phone, I’ve carried it with me everywhere. For example, in any travels, at the classes, when I training and ….

I can say that I use it everywhere for everything. For instance, when I got on holiday I take photos with my phone or when I want to study English I use it as a dictionary. In addition, I listen to music with my phone when I am at the gym. And my phone notifies me some times. For example, if my phone hadn’t notified me, I would forgotten that I had a dentist’s appointment. So I couldn’t live without it.

I have used the phone So often because it is easy to use and carry it everywhere. This phone has made life so easy for me, and somehow organizes my life. In all, I have really happy to have it and I can’t image life without it.


قسمت سوم Speaking در آزمون آیلتس:  

Let’s consider values and the way they change.

Question: What kinds of possessions give status to people in your country?

Answer: That’s a good question. Let me think…I’d say it depends on where you are and who you are with. If you are out in public, it’s things like the car you are driving. If you have the latest Mercedes Benz model, then in my country that is a sign of status, as most people can’t even afford a car at all, whatever the make. Property, or the house you own, and the possessions you have in it are also a sign of status. If you have a nice house in a nice area, then this shows you have money and are someone important. 

Question: Has it always been the same or were different possessions thought of as valuable in the past?

Answer: I’m too young to remember exactly what it was like a long time ago, but yes, I think it was different. For example, cars as I mentioned before only really came to our country in the last ten years or so. That kind of consumerism is a fairly recent thing so this couldn’t have been used as a representation of something valuable. I think it was things like gold and jewelry that were seen as valuable. Of course these are still seen as valuable today, but previously it was these things over anything else as a lot of the modern day possessions were not available. 

Question: Why do you think people need to show their status in society?

Answer: I believe that this is because it’s important in society to show you have money or are successful – it is nature, or the way we are brought up, that makes us feel like this, but also the pressure that society puts on everyone to be successful. And showing status is basically showing that you have money and you have success, so this is what people want to do. Going back to the example of the car driving around in a BMW is a very conspicuous show of status – it basically says to people, “Look, I am successful and I have money.” Another reason is possibly for respect. In many cultures, if someone has high status, then they will be respected by others and they may receive preferential treatment.



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